Aoïli with Apricot & Curry
Add to cooked chicken for a coronation chicken salad. To zoosh up sandwiches. Use as a dip or as a filling for baked potatoes or in potato salad. Use as part of Chicken Broccoli dish.
Available in: 275g
Showing 1–16 of 143 results
Add to cooked chicken for a coronation chicken salad. To zoosh up sandwiches. Use as a dip or as a filling for baked potatoes or in potato salad. Use as part of Chicken Broccoli dish.
Available in: 275g
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Serve with spanspek, fruit salad & ice cream. Excellent with blue cheese, camembert & brie.
Available in: 125ml, 250ml
Subtle combination of Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil, salad dressing, dip ciabatta bread and enjoy on its own or with Egyptian Dukkah. Marinade pork neck or fillets
Available in: 250ml, 375ml
Shelf life: 120 days from date of manufacture.
Combination of berries. Use on ice cream, crumpets, waffles or to drizzle on a dessert plate.
Available in: 250ml
Tangy sweet and sour taste. Baste pork, chicken and steak. Clings to the meat.
Available in: 250ml, 375ml
We manufacture a range of pickles/atchar ,condiments and cooking sauces creating CONVENIENT LIFESTYLE MEAL SOLUTIONS
Our Botanical gift set is a romantic gift from the Cape.
Carefully sourced and hand blended speciality salts.
Biodegradable packaging
Our Cape Classic gift set contains 3x 50ml bottles of naturally infused and hand-blended speciality salt.
Biodegradable packaging
Our Cape Flower & Fruit gift set speaks of the fruit of the cape.
Mindfully sourced and hand blended to form a Master blend of infused speciality salt.
All contents natural, packaging biodegradable
Please visit our website for more information:
Please visit our website for more information: