Fabrication of steels

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Chevaan Nordien

+27 21 949 6346

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The entity provides heavy fabrication capabilities, innovative manufacturing techniques and local market knowledge to help further our operations in the Africa region.

Product or Service

HS730120 - Iron or steel; angles; shapes and sections; welded


ISO 9001 , ISO 14001

Product Certification

Product or Service Certification

Contact Infomation

Company Name: 3C Metal Belmet

Company Address: 9A Electron Street, Traiangle Farm, Bellville, 7530, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 21 949 6346

Company General Mail: [email protected]

Company Website: www.3cmetal.com

Key Contact: Chevaan Nordien

Key Contact Phone: +27 76 372 6784

Key Contact General Mail: [email protected]

Company Information

Incorporation Date: March 27, 2007

BEE: BEE Level 8

Woman-Owned: No

Company Size: 200 +

Distribution: Industrial

Company Overview: The entity provides heavy fabrication capabilities, innovative manufacturing techniques and local market knowledge to help further our operations in the Africa region. Large scale steel fabrication DAVI CNC Plate Rollers HGG CNC Pipe Cutting Machine; CNC Plasma and Oxy/Fuel Plate Cutting Machines; Welding Machines and Manipulators. Welding processes - SMAW, FCAW, GMAW, SAW, GTAW, STT. Over 400 welding procedures.

Year Started Exporting:


Countries Currently Exporting to:

Angola, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria

Countries Hoping to Export to:

Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia

Registered Under the Following Trade Agreements:
