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Lithemba Crafts And Tours

Michelle Lencoe
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Contact Infomation

Company Name: Lithemba Crafts And Tours

Company Address: 3378 Sizamile, Sedgefield, 6573, South Africa

Company General Phone: +27 61 471 8327

Company General Mail: [email protected]

Company Website: http://www.lithembatours.co.za/

Key Contact First and Last Name: Michelle Lencoe

Key Contact Phone: +27 61 471 8327

Key Contact Mail: [email protected]

Company Information

Incorporation Date: May 05, 2016

BEE: BEE Level 1

Woman-Owned: Yes - 100% Woman Owned

Company Size: 1 – 5

Distribution: Direct sales

Company Overview: Michelle has worked in Sedgefield for many years and always enjoy meeting people from other cities in South Africa and people from other countries. She finally got a breakthrough when She approached Rose Billboroug who used to work at the Sedgefield Tourism Office. She was a great mentor in the beginning stages of Lithemba Tours. In October 2012 Michelle told Rose what she wanted to do, she guided Michelle and turned her dream into reality on the 15th October 2012 to what it is today. The Sedgefield Tourism Office gave her an opportunity as an intern to learn more about the Tourism industry and what visitors are looking for. In 2013 started her Tour Guiding Course and successfully completed her training and was accredited in 2015 as a Cultural and Nature Tour Guide